Welcome to our Conference
It’s that time again when we invite you all to join us for our Pharmacy Conference 2024 at RACV Royal Pines Resort Gold Coast. Our commitment to providing expert business tools, knowledge, innovation, and professional service support is more important than ever as we navigate through the opportunities and challenges ahead.
The conference programme includes hands-on workshops and a fantastic line-up of keynote speakers, all designed to provide you with tools, ideas and opportunities to future-proof your business.

Reasons to attend Conference
There are always many reasons to attend Conference.
Conference is the chance to learn new things. Everyone from first time delegates to conference veterans mention how much they have taken away from past Conferences, and we’ve designed this year’s so that it has something for everyone. From the range of inspiring speakers, to our workshops, there is so much to learn from Conference.
You’ll meet like-minded people. There’s something energising about being in a room with hundreds of people who are the same boat as you. Conference gives you access to the greater Green Cross Health network from across the country. Learning and interacting with likeminded Pharmacists and business owners and problem solving together, is one of the best reasons to attend Conference.
Don’t miss the opportunity to chat to our suppliers and speakers. They have a huge amount of knowledge and are great connections to add to your network. Make valuable connections with a wide range of suppliers and speakers who are there to help you with your business.
Conference will help you stay ahead of the game. In this competitive market it is essential to be innovative and agile and we are excited to show you the new concepts and innovations we are rolling out. Come and see them first hand.
Sometimes it just takes a moment to get away from our daily routines to really take a step back and review your business. By taking a few days out of your week, once a year, you’re giving yourself the chance to hit the reset button and look at your business through fresh eyes.
Conference helps you grow. It is designed to help you reach the next level, and the senior leadership team at Green Cross Health deliver a program each year that will see you well equipped to grow your business.
What would Conference be if we didn’t have fun! From the Welcome dinner to the final night, don’t under estimate the value of face to face contact. Our annual feedback always shows that networking with your peers and colleagues is the most valuable part of attending each year.
Countdown to the Green Cross Health Pharmacy Conference
Counting to 19 September 2024